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We offer as much or as little hand holding as you need

Active or Passive Investment Strategies
Talk as much or as little as you’d like
Custom advice to your situation

  • Build a personalized plan
  • Try "what if" scenarios
  • See all your accounts in one place
$ 250 Hourly
  • Only pay for what you need
  • Have access to professional help for your financial questions
  • Only pay when you contact us
  • Get as little or as much help as you need.
$ 850 Monitoring Monthly
  • Monthly scheduled meetings
  • Full financial plan
  • Active portfolio management
  • Monthly performance reporting across all linked accounts
  • Weekly monitoring
  • Investment alerts specific to you emailed to your inbox (what to buy - what account - how much - why recommended)

Assets in USD


Hourly Price


Monthly minimum + Platform Fee

15 minutes

Total Monthly Minimum


Assets in USD

$0 up to $99,999

Hourly Price


Assets in USD


Hourly Price


Monthly minimum + Platform Fee

15 minutes

Total Monthly Minimum


Assets in USD

$100,000 up to $999,999

Hourly Price


Assets in USD


Hourly Price


Monthly minimum + Platform Fee


Total Monthly Minimum


Assets in USD

$1,000,000 up to $4,999,999

Hourly Price


Assets in USD


Hourly Price


Monthly minimum + Platform Fee

45 minutes

Total Monthly Minimum


Assets in USD

$5,000,000 up to $9,999,999

Hourly Price


Assets in USD


Hourly Price


Monthly minimum + Platform Fee

60 minutes

Total Monthly Minimum


Assets in USD

$10,000,000 or more 

Hourly Price


Disclosure :

  • *Fees are negotiable based on need. 
  • *House calls are available upon request. Must pay for travel time.

We offer as much or as little hand holding as you need

Active or Passive Investment Strategies
Talk as much or as little as you’d like
Custom advice to your situation




Initial Consultation
-Determine if we can add value
Client Onboarding
-Financial Plan -Ensure appropriate custodian -Assert Allocation Review
$500 (two hour minimum at $250 per hour. Determined on a case-by-case basis. Depends on complexity of financial life)

Passive Investing

– Custom Meeting Calendar
– Only pay for requested time
– Passive investment recommendations

$250 to $1,000 annually

Tactical Investing

– One hour meeting per month
– Active Management
Investment Alerts to your inbox
– Custom portfolio to your goals
– Included limited individual stock recommendations

$500 monthly ($150 per hour for additional hours)


Fees don’t matter. Value does.  Value, service, and performance are of the most importance. We are seeking to disrupt an industry where fees, service, and performance are often vague and hidden. We do this by helping everyday investors understand what they need to know to be successful.

A traditional fee is typically 1-2%+ of the money invested with the firm or is dependent upon the commissions generated by the investment products sold, which can vary greatly.

Our fees are flat. They are not dependent on how much money you have, how much money you don’t have or which products you buy or sell. We feel this best aligns us with the investor, and helps us raise the standard of being a fiduciary.

Step 1: Review your current progress

We will meet with you and your family to get an idea of where you are and what is achievable for your life. We commit ourselves to becoming life long financial partners on your journey. It is therefore important to us that we start off by building a solid relationship, and ensuring we can provide value.

After completion if mutually agreeable we then  move on to step two. References are provided upon request. We typically prefer to meet for coffee or lunch for the first meeting or two.

Step 3: Receive communications based on your family's needs

We structure our time with you to fit the complexities of your situation, life demands, and busy schedules. Once familiar with the process it can take as little as 10-15 minutes per month.

Sample Calendar for the first quarter:

  • January
    • Review previous year’s investment performance
    • Establish a savings rate for the year
    • Review retirement asset holdings given year end outlook
  • March
    • Review account beneficiaries
    • Review IRA contributions
  • June
    • Review tax savings options;
    • i.e. SEP IRA, IRA, 401(k), etc.

Step 4: Active portfolio management: $500 monthly

  • Personalized trade alerts emailed to your inbox
  • Tactical Investing Strategies to help maximize volatility in the markets
  • Monthly meeting or call
  • Securities Monitoring to help you stay on top of the markets
  • Wellness score to help you stay on track of your financial goals
  • Tax planning to help you maximize your tax deferrals, and reduce your income tax
  • Estate planning to help ensure your loved ones are protected
  • Gifting strategies to help your future generations
  • Tax loss harvesting to help reduce taxes throughout the year, often with support of your CPA
  • Insurance analysis to ensure your family is protected adequately and not paying too much for it
  • Monitoring of all investment accounts to help keep the big picture in mind and help all assets work together to minimize risk and maximize reward
  • Newsletter to help you stay in touch with our current market thoughts

Hourly rate $350 per hour

Depending on the scope of work requested.
(Billed in 15 minute increments)

Money Back Guarantee

Our goal is to provide tremendous value for our clients. If you feel we didn't do that we'll refund the fees you paid to us. No questions asked. Valid within 60 days of payment.

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